– From sofa athlete to “Mr Great Wall” and marathon runner on the seven continents!
“If you can dream it, you can do it” is a personal account by a person who didn’t do much sport early in life but who by pure chance made his début as a marathon runner on the toughest route in the world at the age of 40.
What was supposed to have been a unique experience in life ended up becoming a passion, with many runs in the years that followed. Marathon runs on all the world’s seven continents, ultra-marathons and not least, the pleasure of revisiting the place where it all began. Henrik Brandt is the only person in the world to have completed The Great Wall Marathon every time it has been staged. At the time the book went to print he had run the distance on The Great Wall of China 14 times.
The book also tells you do not necessarily have to be a super athlete, follow precise workout schedules and be diet fanatic to participate in sports. We all have the resources we need to achieve our goals. If you can dream it, you can do it! Conviction, belief in yourself and working to achieve the right goals can take us a long way. This applies not only to sport, but the everything in life. A wonderful quote from Danish children’s author Ole Lund Kirkegaard: “There’s always something you’re good at, if only you can find out what that is.” On the basis of my own experiences it could be rewritten thus: “You’re good at what you want to be good at, you just need to work out how to do it.” And as Walt Disney once said: “If you can dream it, you can do it…”
Roskilde, January 2014
Mr. Great Wall